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Saturday, January 1, 2011


lots of stuff happen last year 
sad stuff happy stuff weird stuff well most of it are sad 
i make lots of ppl sad mad angry and even crazy
i torture my brother .. makes my dad go crazy
fight with my bestfriend forever but now its just never 
n the worst part play a fool with my bf
well i know now i regret doing all that
i regret hurting the one i love ... 

the year 2010 i have made alot of mistake 
alots of stupid decision n make disaster things happen n where was i when they having a hard time ?
partying with friends ... yeah thats right i was a totall jerk
ppl thought im friendly im kind .. im beautiful n rich or whatever 
but those are just bullshit !!! 
im a jerk im a fool im so friggin ugly i dont deserve to be respect 
im so frigging poor n yet i waste my dad's money to buy stupid stuff that i never acctually care
just to show off !! fuck me for doing that
im being so selfish n did i mention i hurt the one i love .. yeah i did .. oh ok

i keep on blaming others for my mistake
just like my bf said i LOVVEE to jump to conclusions n i get mad everytime he said that
but its acctually the truth .. i always do that not only to him but to evrybody
i get mad over nothing n hard for me to say sorry .. noo i must say sorry ...
im the one to be blame i know my wrong but i was too stuckup to say sorry
or even sincerely apologize to that someone

like example hendry 
he love me n care about me but i always break his heart 
his the dearest god brother ever n i dont ever wanna lose him
but i keep on hurting him n i just realise im acttuall overacting
im such a drama qween a stupid bitch that do stupid things n cry over nothing
so i wanna stop doing all that 
i wanna start a new life 
i wanna start a new chapter 
i wanna start a new things with my bff ian .. linda ... im sorry i always make u both go crazyy
i dont want to lose you guys !! i love u both

n also to josh my bf im sorry if i ever hurt you n yes i know i do it like all the time
im sorry for jumping to conclutions 
im sorry i keep on accusing u cheating on me
im sorry i ever get mad at u over nothing
im sorry i ever doubted you 
im sorry i m the worst gf ever
im sorry for paying less attention to u  n pay more to my friends
im sorry i never listen to you
but i just want you to know sumthing
i really do love you so very much n never ever want to loose you
ur the best boyfriend i ever had in my entire life
u show me the right path
u show me how to make right decision
u show me life n i appreciate that very much
but i know maybe at the time u might be fed up with me with my attitude
im so sorry!!
i love you 

Rainbow Rabbit Fresh Blabing


Red Lollipop


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FiRe WoRks