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Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Theres no more us ...

Things are gonna change now n wont be the same anymore
by saying the word "end" really does can end everything 
but still :) just move on , life is short so lets just be happy

for what i know now fighting for happiness makes me suffer more
so by that lets not fight anymore n continue life as it is 
im just a 16 years old amature girl who soon gonna be an adult 
and gonna start new things in her life 

so the best thing to do is to let go of everything 
n start something new . 
it does kind of hard to do it 
but heyy , life is hard , life is unfair , life is cruel !
but thats life right ?

Being a muslim  makes me realise all this hardship we're going thru 
is finally gonna be pay off after life .
be a good person n after life we'll get a good pay (well can say like that aii? :P)
anyway maybe its the right thing to do :)
in this part i  need to be selfish . I want to be selfish when it comes to life

maybe at the moment love isnt yet for me 
but sooner or later .. i'll meet my Mr. Right 
by fate brings him to me or bring me to him either way
just have to be patient n pray to god to have a good life 

may god bless me 
i really need his blessing :)
AMIN .. 


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